Continental Pools has raised the bar for lifeguard performance with a training program that far exceeds industry standards.
A good lifeguard never gets wet.
Rescue Ready
Our lifeguards understand that while they are on duty, they must be rescue ready at all times. Rescue Ready means you must be in the lifeguard chair with the rescue tube strapped across your body, wearing a lifeguard uniform and proper sun protection (sunscreen and sunglasses) anytime swimmers are in the water.
10/20 Protection Rule
Scanning and the ability to recognize a swimmer in distress are a lifeguard’s most important skills. The 10/20 Protection Rule is the guideline our lifeguards follow to protect pool patrons. This rule states that you must be able to scan your entire Zone of Protection in 10 seconds and respond to a distressed swimmer within 20 seconds. Early recognition and quick reaction is the primary component of a successful rescue so we live by this rule.
Cleaning & Operational Procedures
These lifeguarding responsibilities and procedures are explained in detail to ensure that the facility is safe and sanitary at all times.
Rule Enforcement
Our lifeguards are taught successful methods for rule enforcement, such as the 3 strikes policy. As simple as it sounds, we teach you to be diplomatic, consistent, and fair when explaining and enforcing pool rules.
Customer Service Training
Our customer-centric approach is emphasized during training so you understand the importance of effective communication and conflict resolution. But this doesn’t only apply to customers. We believe every Continental Pools employee should be treated with the same concern, respect and caring attitude within the organization that they are expected to share externally with every pool patron and customer.
Our supervisors and senior management staff visit each facility multiple times a week at random to evaluate the safety and operational conditions of each facility. They are a valuable resource for our lifeguard staff. Supervisors are also key to the development of the lifeguards’ operational skills. The supervisor’s primary goal is to assist and help the lifeguards on a daily basis. We are one team and one family and our success is because of our commitment to each other.
Unannounced Safety Audits
The continued training, reinforcement of rescue skills, and support for our lifeguard staff are essential to a safe and successful season. Our in-house lifeguard training staff audits the performance of our lifeguards throughout the season. Our auditing teams have been empowered to revoke the certifications of lifeguards if they fail to meet the standards of performance or they are unable to demonstrate the skills necessary to manage a hypothetical rescue scenario. However, their primary goal is to educate, assist and reinforce our lifeguards’ skills.
Continuous Training
In order for our staff to maintain their certifications, our lifeguards must complete in-service training modules. This is generally performed at a rate of 1 module per week. Our supervisors use life-like silhouettes to practice surveillance techniques and we use each other to brush up on extrication skills. We continue practicing our lifesaving techniques and our emergency response protocol all season long so you are always prepared. We also offer in-service training modules online so you can continue to reinforce your skills throughout the summer.